
Addressing Talent Acquisition: Strategies for the “New Normal”

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Stillwater Admin

Many of us are breathing a sigh of relief as  2020 draws to a close and we look forward to the promise of a new year. The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 has taught us to adapt in both our personal and professional lives - and it has highlighted the fact that once this storm passes we will still be facing changes in our society.  Many companies have already established a new normal, adjusting their business to meet the evolving demands of their customers and employees. As we all take a hard look at the value we bring to our companies and communities, we create new pathways and pioneer new ways to be productive while overcoming challenges. Talent acquisition is no exception. 

It is estimated that in the next 5 to 10 years, more than 20% of white collar jobs will be obsolete due to emerging technology and digitization. During the recent pandemic, however, many labor- and service-based jobs took a hit as well, with a significant decrease in viable opportunities. As we look forward, we have to carefully evaluate existing open positions and how we fill them. So, what are recruiting agencies and HR departments doing to overcome challenges and source the right talent?

Personalized Career Paths

To ensure the right fit - for both the employer and the employee - , talent management must include personalized career paths. Within a single organization and within each specific role, career projections will vary from employee to employee - and there must be a way to embrace that. Rigid career progression plans offer little to either the prospective talent or the employer who stands to gain the most if the right person is introduced into the right point in the organization. 

Take two scenarios as an example: 

First, a new startup company needs to immediately leverage potential to launch the business into the marketplace. They need to fill multiple positions with talent who understand the industry and have a passion for their work. While many positions will initially be project-based and may even be short term, other positions may evolve as the company grows. Presenting the job opportunities as flexible with growth potential allows both the employer and the employee to maintain a fluid outlook and think outside the box in terms of career paths and opportunities. 

On the other hand, a well-established company with a definitive career progression model may also have multiple positions to fill, but may be experiencing a productivity plateau as existing employees climb the ranks. Without a flexible program for career development and advancement, this can sometimes result in complacency or lack of fresh ideas. The philosophy of “we’ve always done it this way” can become crippling for both employees and employers - personalizing career paths and promoting career growth and personal growth offer longevity. 

Digital HR Capabilities

From accessing the talent pool to onboarding, timesheet management, and benefits administration, digital HR capabilities are a must. Gone are the days of filing cabinets full of paper personnel files. Recruitment agencies use digital platforms to post positions, search through talent pools, and augment their clients’ HR departments to complete the onboarding process - and these platforms allow for the kind of consistency, transparency, and accessibility that employees prefer.

As part of this digitization, successful recruiters lean into the virtual tools to improve their services and find better talent matches. By harnessing the power of technology, talent acquisition companies can access predictive analytics in talent management to provide a very strong and solid basis on which companies can attract, retain, and develop specific talents.

At Stillwater Human Capital, our skilled recruiters know how to take on the challenges of talent acquisition in a “new normal” because we have been preparing for it as part of an ever evolving digital world. Our recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) and surge recruitment outsourcing (SRO) options combine current technology and human resources best practices to uncover the best talent acquisition opportunities. If you’re looking to attract the right talent, connect with us today. 

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