
Virtual Recruitment Strategies

Post by
Kimberly Clark

Whether you have been reevaluating your virtual recruitment and hiring process or the recent global pandemic has forced your hand in redefining your workflow and modifying your strategies, taking a look at best practices and strategies for virtual recruiting in 2021 can benefit the growth of your organization. Keeping up with current trends can be difficult, but can ultimately help you to overcome existing social distancing barriers, hire the best candidates regardless of geographical location, or offer convenient interviewing options for your candidates and hiring managers.


Step 1: Try Current Strategies, Virtually


Just because there are a wide variety of new virtual recruitment options doesn’t mean you have to feel that you have to give up your tried-and-true methods. Your existing processes can easily be adapted to a virtual environment. Consider setting up virtual open houses and job fares, host online Q&A sessions, and utilize social media, video platforms, and your virtual presence. 


Just because you are changing your medium to virtual platforms doesn’t mean you have to compromise your process. Think outside the box to develop virtual alternatives to your way of doing things and try to replicate as much of your existing recruitment process as possible. 


Step 2: Master the Video Interview


By now virtual meetings and conferences are second nature, but don’t be afraid to evaluate different types of technology and video interview software. Spend time training your teams, and practice video interviews with coworkers to ensure you can walk interviewees through the process of using the technology. While virtual interviewing might be a necessity given current social distancing guidelines, it can also afford you a unique perspective to evaluate a candidate’s communication skills and corporate culture fit.


Step 3: Ready Yourself for Remote Onboarding


In addition to mastering virtual interview and meeting abilities, you’ll need to review your logistics and workflow to ensure it is remote-ready. Digital paperwork review and signature tools are invaluable for online or virtual orientation and training. Ensure your HR department has the equipment, software, and training to support these efforts. If you aren’t already using a paperless onboarding system, putting in the work to transition to remote onboarding abilities will have spillover benefits that include less paper and physical personnel file storage space – and you’ll be able to better protect employee’s personal information.


Step 4: Partner with an Experienced Virtual Recruitment Company


If you aren’t sure where to begin with a virtual recruitment process, partner with an experienced talent acquisition agency that is familiar with current trends and virtual recruitment options. At Stillwater Human Capital, we’ve been conducting virtual talent sourcing and onboarding for companies across the nation for years. We can offer you access to the latest technology and assist with your branding, online presence, compliance guidelines, and workflow process enhancement. Reach out to us to learn more about virtual recruitment options and how we can help your company thrive in a virtual environment. 

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